Thursday, May 30, 2013

Writing more for the books, in between drinking Merlot. I hate Yahoo News. It makes me think our culture has been reduced to mindless pieces of shit that live to see boils on the faces of celebrities. My hope is that the editorial staff at Yahoo contracts a flesh-eating virus, and they die horribly in a pool of their own vomit while the ATF smashes down their doors decrying them as traitors to the crown.

Guess I should stop injecting cough syrup. These hallucinations are starting to make me talk funny. And write grumpy.

All hail the new gestapo that says people like me are not allowed to think independent of what the IRS says is good for us.

Oh, and by the way, here's a new character picture for the first comic, due to be solicited this winter in the PREVIEWS catalog.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The beginning of the E-Comix blog page! Much easier to post updates on this blog then on our site. Look for announcements here soon as we work on new books scheduled to be solicited at the end of 2013.

